Foam Epic
In this performance series the artist immerses in foam, while performing or listening to sequences of songs that have deep connection to the artist's experience of beauty in all its forms. Through these performances the foam acquires a life of its own, and gets a powerful metaphoric significance as a body-landscape of the emotional and cultural baggage, that accumulates, sticks to us, comforts, caresses, reshapes, but also defaces and doesn't come off easily.

Immersing in Tremulous Luxury
11.20.2021 at Chicago Art Department
This performance explores the poignant vulnerability of our bodies when we experience beauty: the artist will bathe in the installation space, while experiencing music concordant with esoteric movements of late 19th and early 20th century.
The performance is featured in the context of the larger installation framework by Schwindt and Shevchenko titled “Tremulous Luxury: Leather and Pearls” at the Chicago Art Department.

Exit Sequence
Dani’s performances are experimental in nature with the plot and direction emerging during the performance. This exit sequence represents the moment when the range of possibilities has distilled to a metaphor driving the flow of the performance. This video captures the final moments where the connection between the foam and emotional landscape became clear and provided almost tragic, romantic (in the stricter sense of this word) emotional color to the experience.